WWG North I Report

Weekend Wide Game North I – October 2001
The Escape
27-28th October 2001, Cataract Scout Park


One weekend in late October, Figtree Rover Crew fulfilled the dream of a large portion of the Scout Movement – they locked up every member of the Scout section they could find. In all, around 50 Scouts, from 1st Thirroul, Balgownie, Figtree and Mt St Thomas Scout Troops were incarcerated.

Venturers and Leaders from 1st Korrahill, 1st Figtree, 4th Wollongong and 1st Thirroul Venturer Units supplied eager volunteers to guard the prisoners.

Unfortunately (for some) the imprisonment was the opening stage for the 2nd Annual Weekend Wide Game, run by Figtree Rover Crew. The Game would see local Resistance fighters smuggle the prisoners into the bush, with the intent of reaching the safety found across the border.

Unfortunately, the border would not open for a further 24hrs, and the guards were known to be patrolling the area -hunting down the escapees. The prisoners possessed simple maps, incomplete ‘fake’ passports, a small amount of local currency, basic food and clothes, but lacked shelter of any kind, as well as any easy means of fire-lighting. Also, the prisoners were still dressed in convict garb, marking them out as easy targets for the guards.

A nearby Native town (complete with general store and the local forger) offered assistance, as did several known Resistance supply dumps. A mysterious ‘Resistance Encampment’ (exact location unknown) was also rumoured to offer rewards for completing certain tasks.

To cross the border, the escapees needed ‘native clothing’ and a valid passport (or very large bribe). Encountered Guards would have to be bribed or bluffed – or the prisoners faced re-capture.

The Scouts met the challenge with varying degrees of success. Most quickly discovered the merits of stealth and concealment (particularly since the guards were coordinating their effort via radios). Others learned important lessons in how NOT to move through thick bush (ie branch-lash hurts), and in the value of insect repellent.

The Venturers (and Leaders) were observed to be enjoying the ‘hit squad’ role entirely too much.

Over the weekend, Patrols earned (or lost points) for their actions. Patrols were penalised for guard encounters, and were awarded bonuses for completing Resistance tasks, or being the first groups to arrive at a certain point. At the end of the weekend further bonuses were awarded for remaining money, and for leaving no trace of their camping.

Winners of the voucher and trophy were 1st Figtree, lead by Aime Gibson (leading 1st Thirroul by a mere 80 points).

Winners of the inaugural ‘Ball and Chain Award’ were 1st Balgownie, coming dead last – caught red-handed in attempting to complete a special task for the Resistance. It should be noted that if the Patrol had succeeded, the points for the task would have seen them finish first.

Andrew Clark
SC&T WWG Committee